About the company

The insurance broker INPOL a.s. is a legal entity and joint-stock company listed in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague in Section B, File 3440. It is registered as an independent broker in the sense of Act No. 170/2018 Coll. on insurance and reinsurance distribution and based on registration with the Czech National Bank, the state supervisory authority in the insurance industry.
In terms of the volume of written premiums, INPOL a.s. is one of the largest companies of its kind in the Czech Republic.

Thanks to cooperation with a wide range of insurance companies operating on the Czech market, we are able to provide our clients with exhaustive and always up-to-date information on insurance options and, based on a comparison and evaluation of products offered by insurance companies, recommend the most suitable and advantageous combinations of these products with regard to the client’s specific needs.
One of the most sought-after activities for clients covered by the Public Procurement Act is the preparation of public tenders for the selection of an insurer in accordance with the above-mentioned Act, including a professional assessment of individual bids. In this regard, our company possesses the necessary knowledge and experience ensuing from previously implemented public tenders.
We guarantee our clients a high degree of professionalism in performing all of the above-mentioned activities, not only through the high qualifications and many years of experience of our 60 employees, but also through our own professional liability insurance in an amount of up to CZK 1 billion. In the interest of constantly increasing the level of services provided, the company implemented a quality management system in 2002 according to standard ISO 9001-2000 and again in 2018 according to standard ISO 9001-2015.
The company is also a member of the Association of Czech Insurance Brokers. The ACIB is a professional organisation of legal entities with the opportunity for individuals to obtain associate membership. Its mission is to protect the common interests of its members and to ensure the fair assertion of insurance brokers both on the local insurance market and on a world-wide scale. The association is committed to increasing the professional level of its members and the ethical dimensions of the practised profession, and to consolidating the reputation of insurance brokers.
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